Are You Sabotaging Your Own Lawsuit?

Sometimes legal action is inevitable, especially if someone has hurt you or committed a crime against you. However, the stress, discomfort, and anger which may have led you to start the ball rolling on a legal claim can also sabotage the entire thing. Along the way, ask yourself if you're actually sabotaging yourself in these ways: Telling Everyone It's natural you'd want to commiserate and share the entire story with those you know. [Read More]

Do Not Forget To Protect Your Retirement Plans When Divorcing

When you and your spouse divorce, your focus might be on the present and immediate future. However, you should also think beyond that to your retirement. Divorce can impact every aspect of your life, including what happens when you retire. Here are some suggestions on how you can protect your retirement throughout the divorce process. Review the Rules of Your Retirement Plans Your retirement plans likely have rules that address what happens if you divorce. [Read More]

3 Tips For Working With A Court Reporter On A Deposition

An important part of any attorney's toolkit is a good relationship with a court reporter. A court report plays a very crucial role in your depositions; they make sure that the record accurately reflects what was said and what happened during your deposition. Here are three tips that will help you improve your relationship with the court report you work with on your next set of depositions. #1 Schedule Ahead Of Time [Read More]

You Need A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Even When You Are Not At Fault

Some people mistakenly think that when they are not considered at fault in an accident, they will have no need for representation should the accident go to court. That is not always the case. Many times, innocent victims of motorcycle accidents end up paying fines and getting tickets on their record even when they did nothing to deserve such demerits. If you have been in an accident on your bike, then you need a motorcycle accident attorney to help you in the following ways. [Read More]