If your debt keeps increasing, you may find it harder and harder to pay your bills. At some point, you might even fall behind on your bills, including your mortgage. If you are struggling like this financially, you might consider Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Here are five facts you should know as you start thinking about the options you have.
It Is Called the Wage Earner's Plan
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is not the only plan people use, but it is the only plan called the wage earner's plan.
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How To Prepare Yourself For A Deposition
When you are involved in an accident due to another person's negligence, you need to contact a personal injury attorney. Once you decide to move forward with a lawsuit, you may have to provide a deposition. The following are some things you need to know to help you prepare for your deposition:
Take Your Time
A deposition is a meeting in which your attorney as well as the attorney for the defendant get together and ask questions.
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Ways To Prepare For Child Custody Issues In Your Divorce
If you suspect that you and your spouse will be fighting over custody of your children during your upcoming divorce, it might be wise for you to take time to prepare for this battle. Preparing for it may help you have a better chance of winning the battle, and here are some of the things you may want to consider doing to help your case.
Understand the Key Factors that Affect Custody
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3 Ways to Challenge a Breathalyzer in a DUI Case
Breathalyzer tests, which calibrate your blood alcohol content based on the molecules of alcohol in your breath, have long been the favorite piece of evidence for prosecutors to drag out whenever someone's charged with driving under the influence (DUI). After all, breathalyzer tests are supposed to be scientific, accurate, and fair.
Except breathalyzer tests aren't always those three things. There are several very good reasons that you shouldn't assume that you'll automatically be convicted of a DUI based on a breathalyzer alone.
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