Potentially Dangerous Activities: Is It Worth It To Require Waivers?

Homeowners associations and townhouse community associations often have to deal with bored kids coming in and trying to turn local playgrounds and sidewalks into impromptu skate parks, or people trying fancy bike tricks in the middle of the street. This creates liability issues for the HOAs (not to mention damage) if one of the people doing this hurts themselves. HOAs and residents may consider having waivers for all residents -- if they get hurt, they won't sue the HOA and so on -- but the effects of the waivers are not as clear-cut as many think. [Read More]

5 Reasons To Hire A Disability Attorney

Not being able to work or provide for yourself due to a life-changing disease or disability can be heartbreaking. In addition to this upset and stress, it can be overwhelming trying to go through the process of getting disability benefits in order to live your life. Instead of trying to go through the paperwork process alone, it's in your best interest to hire an expert. Disability attorneys help individuals just like you so they can get through the process faster and with more success. [Read More]

Pro Se? No Way! 3 Reasons To Work With An Experienced Divorce Lawyer

A divorce can be an expensive and emotional process. The family dynamic changes and each spouse must learn to support him or herself on a single income. Access to extra cash can be limited during a divorce. If you and your soon-to-be-ex spouse are ending the marriage on good terms, you may be tempted to forego the expense of a divorce attorney and represent yourself in court. Making the decision to go pro se for a divorce could have a negative impact on your future. [Read More]

3 Solid Reasons To Hire An Attorney When Seeking Workers' Compensation

If you get injured at work and can no longer go back -- at least for the foreseeable future -- then it may be wise to apply for workers' compensation. It doesn't have to be as difficult as it seems either when you work with an attorney. They can assist with your claim in the following ways.  Ensure Your Rights Are Upheld  There are actually some companies out there that try to avoid paying out workers' compensation to injured employees to save money. [Read More]